The UF and RO membranes performances of cyanoethyl cellulose acetate ( their viscoses are 340 and 70 cp respectively) were studied and compared with those of cellulose acetate membrane. 研究了粘度为70mPa·s和340mPa·s的氰乙基醋酸纤维素的超滤和反渗透膜性能,并和醋酸纤维素膜性能作了比较。
Development of cyanoethyl cellulose acetate membrane 氰乙基醋酸纤维素膜的研制
Computer aid to calculate the kinetic parameters of the acid hydrolysis of cyanoethyl cellulose acetate 计算机求解氰乙基醋酸纤维素酸性水解动力学参数
Acetyl content analysis of cyanoethyl cellulose acetate 氰乙基醋酸纤维素乙酰基含量分析
This report shows that Eberstadt Method is applicable to the analysis of acetyl content of cyanoethyl cellulose acetate. 研究了Eberstadt皂化滴定法分析氰乙基醋酸纤维素中乙酰基含量的适用性。